
Sports to regulate the body and mental health

The study Sports and Mental Health, organized by the online platform for psychologists Ifeel, suggests some sports activities to treat some common psychological disorders.

According to the psychologist Rafael San Román, from Ifeel, an interview for the EFE agency highlights that all the aspects that can enhance mental health care are of interest to psychology.

To carry out the study, the experts observed the results of the patients who used the services of the platform. “The question is to find the type of exercise that works well for everyone, depending on the objective they pursue,” said San Román.

To establish these objectives it is necessary to know the individual goals and limits, taking into account the context of each one in order to recommend a physical activity.

The study has associated ten sports with ten mental disorders that could help control both the body and the mind. But as the psychologist points out, perseverance is necessary.

For anxiety, the study suggests the practice of Yoga, which helps to control breathing, manage emotions and better understand the body itself.

For those suffering from depression, one suggestion is boxing. With movements, endorphins are released and mood improves. They recommend it primarily to improve self-esteem.

To avoid panic attacks, Pilates is a good alternative, as it helps control impulses, but offers concentration and calm.

Running is recommended for those who have difficulty sleeping. The benefits of running can be seen in better blood circulation and heart rate, which helps the body relax.

The lack of social skills, which is often related to difficulties in relationships, communication problems and self-esteem, can be controlled with the habitual practice of a team sport. For example, soccer, volleyball, basketball, among others, which helps cooperative practice.

On the other hand, for those who cannot be alone, swimming is a good option to develop attention to oneself, disconnect from the outside and seek well-being in solitude.

The Master in Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport, promoted by FUNIBER, provides concepts, strategies and tools for professionals in the psychology of physical activity and sport to plan, develop and adequately evaluate proposals for mental training and psychological.

Exercises and workouts

Mistakes we make when training legs

If there is a muscle group that does not require creativity with the selection of exercises, these are your legs. A massive quadriceps is rarely achieved through ingenuity. Rather, they are achieved by moving heavy weights in the squat or press through full ranges of motion and high repetitions.

In this article we will show the most common mistakes that happen when training legs.

1 Targeting wrong areas and other muscles.

This is a common mistake: To focus more on your quads and less on your glutes during the Smith machine or hack squats, move your feet further forward. Many believe that a wide stance will train the outer quadriceps better and a narrow stance will hit the inner surface more – another mistake. The fact is, even the most seasoned bodybuilders simply don’t know how to best target the four muscles of the quadriceps (vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus medialis) and the muscles of the upper, inner thighs.

Errores que cometemos al entrenar piernas


  • Point your right toes to work your outer quadriceps (vastus lateralis); point them out to work the inner quadriceps (vastus medialis).
  • Keep your feet under your hips during exercises, such as the Smith machine, to target your quads more and your glutes less.
  • Taking a narrow stance will focus more on the outer quadriceps, taking a wide stance (and toes pointing out) will focus more on the inner thigh muscles.

2 Incomplete_Movement Range

You see it in every gym. Most guys load the leg press with as much weight as possible, just bending the knees just enough to keep the weight moving. This same error occurs on squats, smith machines, hack squats, and many times even for leg extensions. Anytime a bodybuilder trains quadriceps, they most likely won’t be working all full range of motion exercises, especially since doing leg exercises for full rep sets is tough and doing medium reps allows heavy training to give. an illusion of stronger training. By limiting the duration of the movements, you are limiting their growth.


  • Each rep of most squat sets should descend to where your quads are parallel to the floor or platform, if not deeper. The exception to this rule is when you want to do mid squats to focus more on the medial, research shows this is effective.
  • In a 45 degree leg press, the knees should touch your chest without the glutes coming out of the leg press seat, which would put a great deal of stress on your lower back.
  • When performing leg extensions, try to do a full stretch (perpendicular to the calf of the thigh) with a full contraction, in which you briefly lock your knees and flex your thighs.
  • Any other leg exercise should have a full stretch and squeeze.

3 Squats with an incorrect_form

Stopping well below parallel is not the worst offense in squats. Many bodybuilders lean too far forward and push their hips back too far, working their back, hips, and glutes more than their quads. What’s worse, this could strain the spinal erectors. If you are going to squat with a bad position, it is better not to do them. A better option is to practice the correct form of this exercise with the weightless bar until you are an expert.


  • Generally, when taking a stance that goes beyond shoulder width, it is best to do so with your toes angled slightly outward, but find the position that allows you to stay as close as possible vertical possible. Taller bodybuilders anabolika kaufen online shop often need a wider stance.
  • Exaggerate the arch in your lower back.
  • Your heels should never come off the floor when squatting. Push the weight up through the heels, not the balls of the feet.
  • Look forward through each repetition (not up, not down)
  • As you go down, keep your butt on your heels, as if you were going to sit in a chair.
  • Consider starting the squat with the Smith machine until you’ve mastered the form, then move on to squats with free weights.

4 Training too heavy

This mistake almost always travels in concert with the one that precedes it, since working too heavy leads to trick reps… and trick reps allow you to pass these types of weights. This is especially true of leg presses, because you will likely be able to use more metal with this exercise than any other. What this does is feed your ego.


  • Do all exercises with a full range of motion (see mistake # 2).
  • Keep reps for most sets in the 8-12 range.
  • Focus on the muscles, not the weight.
  • Forget about the ego if you want to make progress.
Health and nutrition

Breast milk contributes to the neurological development of the baby

Breast milk contains a substance, called selenoprotein P, that contributes to the neurological development of the baby, according to a study published recently in the journal Food Chemistry .

The researchers of this study developed a new method for analyzing breast milk that was able to quantify the levels of compounds that the baby receives during breastfeeding, discovering for the first time the presence of selenoprotein P.

This substance is involved in the production of hormones, in the immune system and is responsible for transporting selenium to the brain. A deficiency of this protein could be associated with some neurological disorders and other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The director of the study, Tamara García Barrera, has stated that this discovery of selenium in milk in the form of selenoprotein P “opens up several possibilities for research on the influence of breastfeeding on the neurological development of the baby.”

Leche materna contribuye al desarrollo neurológico del bebé

Until then, the transport of this substance through the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid was known, but it was unknown that this process continued during lactation.

Selenium helps the body function properly and prevents the formation of free radicals that damage cells. Several diseases, such as cancer and infertility, are associated with selenium deficiency.

The results of the study also offer more data on human milk that may contribute to improving formula milk.

FUNIBER promotes the Master’s Degree in Maternal and Child Nutrition, a program for professionals who want to expand their knowledge on aspects related to fertility, nutritional strategies for pediatric diseases and other factors that contribute to normal growth and development in childhood and adolescence.

Health and nutrition

Invest what is collected from taxes on sugary drinks

The collection of taxes on foods that are harmful to health should be used for nutrition awareness campaigns, suggests a Spanish body of dietitians and nutritionists.

One of the strategies most used by governments to promote healthy eating is to tax food products that do not offer many health benefits.

Recently, the Ministry of Consumption of Spain proposed to increase taxes on sugary drinks.

The measure is celebrated by dietitians and nutritionists, however, they point out, it is insufficient. According to the General Council of Official Associations of Dietitians-Nutritionists (CGCODN), the income from these taxes should be used to promote healthy habits, or even to reduce the tax on other basic foods that are considered healthy.

The vice president of CGCODN, Paula Crespo, recalled that many low-income people find it difficult to buy healthy foods that meet their daily nutrient demands. “The childhood obesity rate in families with fewer resources is significantly higher than in the rest,” he says.

Invertir lo que se recauda de los impuestos a las bebidas azucaradas

The president of CGCODN, Luis Morán, has stated that “the important thing is to use this collection to finance mentality campaigns about the dangers of obesity”.

Another necessary issue for the improvement of the population’s diet is the appreciation of nutritionists and dieticians. They must be part of the public health system, and that schools can develop classes on food and nutrition, capable of raising awareness about healthy consumption habits.

FUNIBER promotes studies to train professionals in the area of ​​Nutrition and Dietetics, such as the Master’s Degree in Maternal-Child Nutrition and the Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Food Biotechnology, among others.

Health and nutrition

Microbiome could be linked to risk of developing leukemia

Among those with a genetic predisposition to develop leukemia, the microbiome could act in prevention.

Several studies have already shown indicators of the effects of the microbiome on health, and understanding its association with disease is a growing field of scientific research.

According to a more recent study, gut bacteria may also lower the risk of developing leukemia among those with a genetic predisposition to the disease.

The study was published in the journal Blood, and although the experiment has been carried out in mice, the results may indicate possibilities of preventing the disease in children susceptible to genetic inheritance.

Microbioma podría estar relacionado con el riesgo de desarrollar leucemia

The study highlights that precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common among childhood leukemia cases. This type of disease is associated with a combination of genetic factors and some infections that can occur after delivery.

Even with genetic predisposition, many children do not go on to develop the disease. “In rats, it is observed that intestinal microbes are different from those of animals that are not susceptible to the disease,” says one of the study authors, Isidro Sánchez-García, from the Center for Oncological Research (CIC-IBMCC).

To continue their studies, they hope to expand large-scale experiments to find out if a change in the microbiome could be a successful strategy to prevent disease.

FUNIBER promotes studies in the area of ​​food and health, such as the Master’s Degree in Maternal-Child Nutrition and the Doctorate in Nutrition

Exercises and workouts

Drop Sets

What are Drop Sets and who invented them?

The Drop Set is a simple technique in which we perform a series of any exercise on failure or simply before failure, then we do one more series with a lower weight and continue to for more reps to failure with this reduced weight.

This method was originally “discovered” in 1947 by Henry Atkins, editor of Body Culture magazine. Atkins called it the “multi-poundage system.”

Why do bodybuilders love drop sets?

Bodybuilders prefer this system as it is definitely geared towards increasing muscle mass (hypertrophy). In contrast, you don’t see a lot of soccer players, sprinters, or other athletes using drops sets , as this system doesn’t lead to gains in strength, endurance, or speed gains. In fact, most athletes want maximum strength, which is why the drop set system is often banned. However, if you are looking for pure muscle mass, then the drops sets are ideal!

How do drop sets work? «Breaking muscle fibers»

Let’s say you’re doing 40-pound bicep curls for a set of 8-12 reps. Repetition number 10 is difficult. Number 11 is extremely difficult, even with a bit of cheating. For repetition number 12 you have to make a supreme effort. You have come to the fault honestly. But if you drop a little weight to the bar – say about fifteen to twenty percent less, you can go ahead with the number of reps.

Although it is possible to reach a momentary point of muscular failure after 8-12 repetitions in a conventional linear series, you have not reached absolute failure, you have only reached failure with the weight in pounds / kilos. As you can see, not all the fibers of a muscle group are activated. You only recruit the number of fibers necessary to lift a special weight for the desired number of repetitions.

As you lose weight and continue the series, you cumulatively recruit more and more “reserves” of muscle fibers.

Drops sets recruit muscle fibers “from the bottom”, causing growth that could not normally be achieved by stopping a single set of six to twelve reps.

Drop Sets

Creative Methods for drop sets

– Drops sets with bars:

This was Arnold’s preferred method of bicep training, but it can easily be used in any barbell exercise. All you have to do is put small weights (5kg or 2.5kg for example) on each side of the bar and remove them when you reach failure.

– Drops sets with machines:

Taking the weight off the bars quickly can be messy, cumbersome, and time wasted (unless you have a couple or two). Drop sets are easier with machines. All you have to do is remove the pin from the weight stack and raise it to a lighter weight. On a leg extension machine, for example, you don’t even have to get out of your seat to shift the weight. This allows for a quick weight change, which intensifies the set.

– Drops sets with dumbbells:

This is a great technique for dumbbell exercises, especially curls, side raises, and shoulder presses. For example, if you’re doing side flips, you can start with 20 kilos, do eight reps, then put the 20-pound on the floor, grab the 15, go to failure and then put the 15-pound on the floor and grab the 12 kilos and try to do more reps. Try this technique on the delts and biceps and you will see that the arms and shoulders will inflate like a balloon.

– Drops large sets:

A series of large drop sets refers to a greater decrease in weight between reps. These sets are easier and allow you to do more reps. Due to cardiovascular fatigue, large drops sets are often used on large muscle groups such as the squat, horizontal barbell row, and leg presses. For example, in the squat you can start with 120 kilos on the bar, then you throw a whole 20 kilos plate on each side and move to 80 kilos, almost a 30% drop in weight in kilos. You can then remove another 20kg plate from each side and go with 40kg (a 40% drop). Believe me, 40 kilos never felt so heavy.

– 50% Drop sets:

The “halving method” is a set that allows you to use two completely opposite rep ranges, each of which attack a different aspect of the muscle cell. This allows for excellent muscle growth as well as incredible engorgement! After warming up, start by choosing the heaviest weight you can handle for six repetitions with strict form. Perform six repetitions, then without rest, reduce the weight by exactly fifty percent and continue for twenty repetitions with this weight. An example: In the dumbbell row. If we can do six reps with 60kg max, start with these six reps, and then immediately grab the 30-pound dumbbells and do twenty good reps. You’ll be out of breath and feel something on your lats that you’ve never felt before.

– Drop sets of power: (low repetitions of drop sets)

This was the favorite method of Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia. Scott used this technique to develop monster delts and biceps, even in a less genetically optimal frame. Larry says heavy weight and low reps (six reps) were the best way to build size and strength at the same time. This rep range allows you to use heavier weights, which can help maintain your strength levels and thicken muscle fibers without much of a pump effect. Start with a maximum of six reps, and then drop the weight ten to fifteen percent with each set. Repeat with the lightest weight for six reps.

– Drop sets without rest:

This non-stop drop set system is incredibly difficult and most people, conscious or unconscious, avoid it because they are so difficult. To carry out an “honest” drop set without a break, you usually need a training partner (or two). For example, if you are doing the leg press on your own, you have to get up, walk to one side, remove one plate, walk to the other side, remove the other plate, then sit back down and resume the set. . This process takes at least 20 seconds. In that time, the muscles have already begun to dissipate lactic acid and regenerate their energy supplies. But if you have two sparring partners, they can both remove your plates in an instant to get you on with the series. The difference between 0 and 20 seconds is like night and day. Combined with continuous tension, in which absolutely nothing is resting, this can be one of the most difficult exercises of your life! (Good luck!)

How to maximize the efficiency of drop sets:

– Order and have the equipment you are going to use at hand: To move quickly from one exercise to another, you must have all your equipment configured and ready before starting the first exercise. Instead of putting large plates on a bar or machine, load several with 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 etc, ready to go. If you are going to do the drops sets with weights, align the dumbbells beforehand.

– Train when the gym is not full so you have a set of dumbbells or bars for yourself: Drop sets are not very practical in crowded gyms, nor is it polite to hog three or four sets of weights to you alone for 20 minutes. If you are planning to use this training system, try to schedule your training well for a time when the gym is not crowded.

– Stay in a range of six to twelve reps most of the time: Six to twelve reps is the most productive range for bodybuilding and this general rule of thumb should not change in a drop set. If you want to work on maintaining or building strength, even four to six reps is best. If you want pure hypertrophy, stick to around eight to twelve reps. For muscle congestion, resistance, 15-20 reps is best, especially on your last set.

– Use the drop set system sparingly (as a high intensity method) Drop sets are very intense programs and require caution and common sense. If you wear them all the time, you will quickly burn out and overtrain. A great way to use this system is with the 3: 1 method: perform three sets of an exercise, followed by a series of drop sets.

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